Yesterday was a baby shower for SIL Julie. She is having a girl and is doing her baby room in zebra with lavender.
So, we decided to stick with that theme for the shower and do zebra and purple. I decided to make her a diaper cake and this is what I came up with.

Pretty cute, right? The bottom tier has a baby blanket wrapped around it and the two tiers above that have burp rags. She was pretty excited.
So, here is how you can make one yourself.
Supplies Needed:
box of diapers
rubber bands
plastic grass or shredded paper (optional)
1. Get a big box of dipaers. I used the 120 package of Pampers swaddlers.
(Not the one pictured)
2. Take a diaper and flip it over. Then roll it up from the bottom. I like to roll mine pretty tight.

This is what it should look like all rolled up.

3. Put a rubber band around the diaper.

4. Now the diaper can stand up on its own. Just decide how big you want your bottom tier and work your way up from there. Tie each tier with a ribbon or wrap it with a blanket/burpie then the ribbon.

And it's that easy!

In between each tier I added purple Easter grass to make it cute.

View from the back.
